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Use Airflow operators in the Astro Cloud IDE

This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Stay tuned for a next-generation DAG authoring experience!

You can import any Airflow operator available on the Astronomer Registry and run it as part of your Cloud IDE pipeline. In most cases, the Cloud IDE can parse parameters and provides you with a detailed form for configuring the operator.

Use Airflow operator cells

  1. In the Astro UI, select Cloud IDE.

  2. Select a project.

  3. On the Pipelines page, click a pipeline name to open the pipeline editor.

  4. Click Add Cell and search for the name of the operator you want to use. When you find it, click its entry in the search box. The cell is added to your pipeline.


You can add sensors and async operators to your pipeline, but these will not work when testing your pipeline from the Cloud IDE. To test a pipeline with these operators, export your project as a DAG and run it locally or on an Astro Deployment.

  1. Fill out the parameters in the operator cell body. For each parameter, use the switch to the right of the parameter to configure whether your input is treated as a Literal value or a Python expression.
Literal values and Python expressions

The Astro Cloud IDE is often able to detect the required format for an operator's parameter values. When it does detect the required format, choose Literal value to let the Cloud IDE format and check your parameter values.

Conversely, choose a Python expression if you want to define a parameter value without the IDE formatting or checking it. If the IDE cannot detect the required format for a parameter value, you can only define it as a Python expression. You can also use Python expressions to pass values from other cells as data dependencies.

For example, the S3toSnowflakeOperator has a parameter called autocommit that takes a boolean value. Because the IDE detects the required value format, it shows a toggle when you select Literal value.

A boolean formatted as a literal value

If you click the toggle on and then select Python expression, you see that the IDE converts the toggle into a raw Python expression.

A boolean formatted as a Python expression

Create custom operator cells

To import a custom operator that your team uses into the Astro Cloud IDE, create a custom cell type in your project configuration.

  1. If you're using a custom cell type to call custom operator code, link your IDE project to a Git repository and add your custom operator code to the include folder of your repository.

  2. In the Astro UI, select Cloud IDE.

  3. Select a project.

  4. Click Custom Cells, then click + Cell Type

  5. Enter a Custom Cell Type Name. This is the name that appears in the cell body and when you search for the cell type in your pipeline editor.

  6. Enter a Definition for the cell type. A definition is a JSON configuration that defines how a user interacts with the cell type, as well as how the cell type can access your custom operator code. For a complete reference for possible JSON values, see Custom cell type reference.

  7. Click Validate to check that your JSON configuration is valid. After it's validated, click Add.

  8. Add the cell type to your pipeline as you would for a standard operator cell. See Create an operator cell.

Run an operator cell

See Run cells in the Astro Cloud IDE.

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