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Astro Cloud IDE security & data governance

This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Stay tuned for a next-generation DAG authoring experience!


The Cloud IDE is a fully managed service that runs in an Astronomer-managed private cluster. All infrastructure is managed by Astronomer. Infrastructure is tightly scoped to organizations, so your code and data is never exposed to other organizations.

Astronomer role-based access control (RBAC) ensures that only users with the correct permissions can perform certain actions in the Astro Cloud IDE. See User permissions.

Data governance

The Cloud IDE stores Python cell outputs in an encrypted S3 bucket. SQL cell outputs are stored in the corresponding connection database under the schema you configure.


Astro Cloud IDE requests can come from the following IP address:


Add this IP address to your allowlist to run the Astro Cloud IDE in a private network. This address is subject to change.


When a user executes a cell, the request is sent through the Astronomer control plane to a dedicated, isolated Kubernetes pod running the Cloud IDE. The request is then either executed on the worker pod (in the case of Python) or sent to the appropriate database (in the case of SQL). The response is then sent back through the control plane to the user.

The worker pods are isolated from each other and from the control plane. Only requests from your organization may be sent to the same pods. No code or data is ever persisted on the worker pods.

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