Update settings for your Astro Organization
An Organization is the highest management level on Astro. In addition to configuring infrastructure for your Organization, you can update Organization settings that apply to all clusters, Workspaces, Deployments, and users within the Workspace.
This document includes instructions to configure high-level Organization settings from the Astro UI. To configure more specific Organization-level infrastructure, see:
- Manage users in an Astro Organization
- Set up authentication and single sign-on for Astro
- Create a dedicated Astro cluster
- Create and manage Organization API tokens
- Organization Owner permissions
Update your Organization name
Your Organization name is a human-readable name that appears in the Astro UI and in the Astro CLI. Updating your Organization name is a cosmetic change that has no affect on any unique Organization information, such as your Organization ID or short name, which persists for the lifetime of the Organization.
- In the Astro UI, click Organization Settings. This opens the General Organization page.
- In the Organization Detail section, click Edit Details.
- Give your Organization a new Organization Name, then click Update Organization.
Configure environment secrets fetching for the Astro Environment Manager
When members of your Organization create a local Airflow environment using the Astro CLI, they can pull connections configured in the Astro Environment Manager based on their Workspace credentials. This enables users to share connection details between Astro and their local Airflow environments and avoid creating connections twice. See Import and export Airflow connections and variables for more details.
You can enable or disable this feature based on whether you want Organization members to access Astro-configured connection details from their local machines.
- In the Astro UI, click Organization Settings. This opens the General Organization page.
- In the Organization Detail section, click Edit Details.
- Click the Environment Secrets Fetching toggle to Enabled or Disabled, then click Update Organization.
View Organization usage data
The Usage page shows the total number of successful task runs across all Deployments in your Organization. To access the Usage page, click Organization Settings. Then, click Usage.
The bar chart on the left shows your Organization's total successful task runs per day for the past 31 days, with each day's volume sorted by Deployment. Each color in the bar chart represents a different Deployment. To see each Deployment's number of successful task runs for a given day, you can hover over the bar chart for that day with your mouse.
The legend on the right side of the menu shows the colors used for each Deployment. This legend shows each Deployment's total sum of successful task runs over the last 31 days. The daily numbers on the left bar chart add up to the monthly total per Deployment on the right.
To export this data as a .csv
file, click the Export button above the legend.