Astronomer Webinars

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Data Lineage with OpenLineage and Airflow

If one out of your hundreds of DAGs fails, how do you know which downstream datasets have become out-of-date? The answer is data lineage. Data lineage is the complex set of relationships between your jobs and datasets. In this webinar, you'll learn how to use OpenLineage to collect lineage metadata from Airflow and assemble a lineage graph - a picture of your pipeline worth way more than a thousand words.

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Best Practices for Writing DAGs in Airflow 2

Because Airflow is 100% code, knowing the basics of Python is all it takes to get started writing DAGs. However, writing DAGs that are efficient, secure, and scalable requires some Airflow-specific finesse. In this webinar, you’ll learn the best practices for writing DAGs that will ensure you get the most out of Airflow. We’ll include a reference repo with DAGs you can run yourself with the Astro CLI.

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Iterative Data Quality in Airflow DAGs

Data quality is an often overlooked component of data pipelines. Learn why it is a valuable part of data systems and how to get started integrating data quality checks into existing pipelines with a variety of tools.

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Scheduling In Airflow

The flexibility and freedom that Airflow offers you is incredible, but to really take advantage of it you need to master some concepts first, one of which has just been released in Airflow 2.2 By the end of the webinar, you will be able to define schedule intervals that you thought were impossible before.

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Everything you Need to Know About Airflow 2.2

In this informative webinar we will cover everything you need to know about Airflow 2.2. We'll go through all of the new features large and small, as well as show you how to leverage all of the new features and how you can get cleaner and more efficient DAGs as a result

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Testing Airflow to Bullet Proof Your Code

Airflow, by nature, is an orchestration framework, not a data processing framework. At first sight it can be unclear how to test Airflow code. Are you triggering DAGs in the UI to validate your Airflow code? In this webinar we'll demonstrate various examples how to test Airflow code and integrate tests in a CI/CD pipeline, so that you're certain your code works before deploying to production.

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Manage Dependencies Between Airflow Deployments, DAGs, and Tasks

More often that not, your Airflow components will have a desired order of execution particularly if you are performing a traditional ETL process—for example, before the Transform step in ETL, Extraction had to have happened in an upstream pipeline. In this webinar we will discuss how to properly setup dependencies and define an order of execution or operation for your pipelines using dependencies.

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Create Powerful Data Pipelines by Mastering Sensors

Do you use Sensors in your data pipelines? Do you need to wait for a file before executing the next step? Are you looking to execute your task after a task completes in another DAG? Would you like to wait for an import in your SQL table before executing the next task? The answer...

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