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Version: 0.35

Create a Deployment on Astronomer Software

Use this document to learn how to create a Deployment on Astronomer Software.


Create a Deployment in the Software UI

To create an Airflow Deployment on Astronomer:

  1. Log in to your Astronomer platform at app.BASEDOMAIN, select a Workspace, and then click New Deployment.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the Deployment.
    • Description: (Optional) Enter a description for your Deployment.
    • Airflow Version: Select the Airflow version/ Astro Runtime version that the Deployment should run with.
    • Executor: Astronomer recommends starting with Local.
  3. Click Create Deployment and wait a few moments. After the Deployment is created, you can access the Settings page of your new Deployment:

    New Deployment Celery Dashboard

    On this tab you can modify resources for your Deployment. Specifically, you can:

    • Choose a strategy for how you configure resources to Airflow components. See Customize resource usage.
    • Select an Airflow executor
    • Allocate resources to your Airflow scheduler and webserver
    • Set scheduler count (Airflow 2.0+ only)
    • Add extra capacity (Kubernetes only)
    • Set worker count (Celery only)
    • Adjust your worker termination grace period (Celery only)

Customize Deployment release names

An Airflow Deployment's release name on Astronomer is a unique, immutable identifier for that Deployment. The release name corresponds to its Kubernetes namespace and that renders in Grafana, Kibana, and other platform-level monitoring tools.

By default, release names are randomly generated in the following format: noun-noun-<4-digit-number>. For example: elementary-zenith-7243. Alternatively, you can customize the release name for a Deployment if you want all namespaces in your cluster to follow a specific style.

To customize the release name for a Deployment as you're creating it, you first need to enable the feature on your Astronomer platform. To do so, set the following value in your values.yaml file:

manualReleaseNames: true # Allows you to set your release names

Then, push the updated config.yaml file to your installation as described in Apply a config change.

After applying this change, the Release Name field in the Software UI becomes configurable:

Custom Release Name Field

Programmatically create or update Deployments

You can programmatically create or update Deployments with all possible configurations using the Houston API upsertDeployment mutation. See Create or update a Deployment with configurations.

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