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Airflow cluster policies

Cluster policies are sets of rules that Airflow administrators can define to mutate or perform custom logic on a few important Airflow objects:

  • DAG
  • Task
  • Task Instance
  • Pod
  • Airflow Context variables

These policies allow administrators to centrally manage how Airflow users or DAG writers are interacting with the Airflow Cluster. Cluster policies can modify or restrict a user's capability based on organization policy or ensure that users conform to common standards. For example, you might want to ensure all DAGs have tags in your production Airflow environment.

Here are some common use cases for cluster policies:

  • Enforce Task or DAG-level retries
  • Verify a DAG's catchup parameter based on production or development environment
  • Limit the resources requested by a KubernetesPodOperator
  • Routing critical jobs to a specific Celery queue or Airflow pool
  • Add missing tags or owner emails

In this guide, you'll learn about the types of cluster policies, how the policies work, and how to implement them in Airflow.

Assumed knowledge

To get the most out of this guide, you should have an understanding of:

Types of cluster policies

You can use four types of cluster policies in Airflow:

  • DAG policy: This policy is applicable to a DAG object, and takes a DAG object dag as a parameter.
  • Task policy : This policy is applicable to a Task object.
  • Task Instance policy: This policy is applicable to a Task Instance, which is an instance of a Task object and is created at run time.
  • Pod policy: This policy is applicable to a Kubernetes Pod launched by KubernetesPodOperator or KubernetesExecutor at runtime.

How cluster policies work

Cluster policies

Any attributes defined using cluster policies take precedence over the attributes defined in your DAG or Task. Once implemented, if a DAG or task is not compliant with your set policies, the policy will raise the AirflowClusterPolicyViolation exception and the DAG will not be loaded. The Airflow web UI displays this exception as an import error.

You can also use the AirflowClusterPolicySkipDag exception to skip a DAG. For example, you may want to skip month-end DAGs from daily processing or skip any DAGs with the wrong environment tag. Another possible use case could be when you are migrating from a deprecated source system to a new source system. You might want to skip the old DAGs to avoid any failures and alerts. Note that this exception will not be displayed on the Airflow web UI.

DAG policy

The DAG policy allows you to overwrite or reconfigure a DAG’s parameters based on the criteria you set. You can implement this using dag_policy function. It runs at the time the DAG is loaded from the DagBag. It allows you to:

  • Mutate a DAG object after it is loaded in the DagBag.
  • Run code after your DAG has been fully generated.

This means that the DAG processor still parses all DAG files even if you skip one using a DAG policy.

Some example implementations include:

  • Enforcing a default owner for your DAGs.
  • Enforcing certain tags for DAGs, either default or based on conditions.
  • Ensuring development DAGs do not run in production.
  • Stopping a DAG from being executed by raising an AirflowClusterPolicyViolation exception.

Note that the dag_policy is applied before the task_policy and after the DAG has been completely loaded. Hence, overriding the default_args parameter has no effect using dag_policy. If you want to override the default operator settings, use task policies instead.


def ensure_dags_are_tagged(dag: "DAG") -> None:
tag_labels = [tag.split(":")[0]
for tag in dag.tags]
if not "Owner" in tag_labels:
raise AirflowClusterPolicyViolation(f"{dag.dag_id} does not have a 'Owner' tag defined.")

Task policy

A task policy allows you to overwrite or reconfigure a task’s parameters. You can implement this using task_policy function. It gets executed when the task is created during parsing of the task from DagBag at load time and mutates tasks after they have been added to a DAG. This means that the whole task definition can be altered in the task policy. It does not relate to a specific task running in a DagRun. The task_policy defined is applied to all the task instances that will be executed in the future. It expects a BaseOperator as a parameter.

Some example implementations include:

  • Enforcing a task timeout policy.
  • Using a different environment for different operators.
  • Overriding a on_success_callback or on_failure_callback for a task.


def task_policy(task: "BaseOperator") -> None:
min_timeout = datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
if not task.execution_timeout or task.execution_timeout > min_timeout:
raise AirflowClusterPolicyViolation(f"{task.dag.dag_id}:{task.task_id} time out isgreater than {min_timeout}")

Task Instance policy


If you are on Airflow version 2.9.1 or lower, you might see some inconsistencies in the application of task_instance_mutation_hook. This was fixed in Airflow 2.9.2.

A Task Instance policy allows you to alter task instances before the Airflow scheduler queues them. You can implement a Task Instance policy using the function task_instance_mutation_hook. This is different from the task_policy function, which inspects and mutates tasks “as defined”. By contrast, task instance policies inspect and mutate task instances before execution. It takes a TaskInstance object, task_instance, as a parameter. This policy applies not to a task but to the instance of a task that relates to a particular DagRun. It is only applied to the currently executed run (in other words, instance) of that task. The policy is applied to a task instance in an Airflow worker before the task instance is executed, not in the DAG file processor.

Some example implementations include:

  • Enforcing a specific queue for certain Airflow Operators.
  • Modifying a task instance between retries.


def task_instance_mutation_hook(task_instance:TaskInstance):
if task_instance.try_number >= 3:
task_instance.queue = "big-machine"

Note that since Airflow determines priority weight dynamically using weight rules, you cannot alter the priority_weight of a task instance within the Task Instance mutation hook.

Pod policy

This policy is applicable to Kubernetes Pod created at runtime when using the KubernetesPodOperator or KubernetesExecutor. You can implement this policy using pod_mutation_hook function. This is a policy function that allows altering a kubernetes.client.models.V1Pod object before Airflow passes it to the Kubernetes client for scheduling. It takes a Pod object pod as a parameter. Note that this cluster policy is available only from Aiflow version 2.6.

For instance, one could use this to alter the resources for a Pod or to add sidecar or init containers to every worker pod launched. Astro, however, does not allow adding init or sidecar containers. Astro provides advanced logging, metrics collection, and multiple ways to manage your environment without the need to run separate containers to collect stats or apply environment settings.

Some example implementations include:

  • Setting resource requests and limits.
  • Increasing resources assigned to a Pod.


from kubernetes.client import models as k8s
from airflow.policies import hookimpl

def pod_mutation_hook(pod) -> None:
print("hello from pod_mutation_hook ",type(pod))

resources = k8s.V1ResourceRequirements(
"cpu": "100m",
"memory": "256Mi",
"cpu": "1000m",
"memory": "1Gi",
pod.spec.containers[0].resources = resources


In this section, we describe how to use pluggy to implement cluster policies for an Airflow project using Astro CLI. pluggy is useful for plugin management, allowing you to have multiple implementations of the policy functions.

Note that the pluggy method is available only in Airflow version 2.6 and above. For versions lower than 2.6, a similar implementation is possible using the config/ file in your $AIRFLOW_HOME. You can define your policies within this file. There is no need to build or install any package when you use the file. However, on Astro, you can only implement policies using the pluggy interface.

Step 1: Create a package for your policies

The simplest way to implement cluster policies is to build a package for them that you apply to your Airflow environment. You can add this package to the plugins folder of your Astro project and install it by customizing your Dockerfile. This method uses setuptools entrypoint for your project. You can read more about Python packaging here.

For example, you can create a package plugin with the following structure:


├── src/
│ ├──
│ └── policy_plugin/
│ ├──
│ └──

├── pyproject.toml

  1. In the pyproject.toml file, add the following:

    requires = ["setuptools >= 61.0"]
    build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

    name = "policy_plugin"
    version = "0.3.0"
    dependencies = ["apache-airflow>=2.6"]
    requires-python = ">=3.8"
    description = "Airflow cluster policy"

    _ = 'policy_plugin.policy'

  2. Define the policies in

    from airflow.policies import hookimpl
    from airflow.exceptions import AirflowClusterPolicyViolation

    def task_policy(task):
    print("Hello from task_policy")
    doc_str = "This is a test doc string"
    task.doc = doc_str

    def dag_policy(dag):
    """Ensure that DAG has at least one tag and skip the DAG with `only_for_beta` tag."""
    print("Hello from DAG policy")
    if not dag.tags:
    raise AirflowClusterPolicyViolation(
    f"DAG {dag.dag_id} has no tags. At least one tag required. File path: {dag.fileloc}"

    When using Airflow version lower than 2.6 or when you do not want to package your policies, you can define these policies in confg/ and rebuild your local Astro project.

  3. (Optional) Build the Python package:

    python -m build

Step 2: Setup your Astro project

  1. Initialize your Astro project using the Astro CLI or reopen your Astro project.

  2. Copy over your plugin package to the plugins directory of your Astro project.

  3. Add the following line to your Dockerfile:

    COPY plugins plugins
    RUN pip install ./plugins
    Alternate setup

    To avoid copying over the source code or to reuse the package across multiple projects, it is recommended to build the plugin package. You can then choose to distribute the wheel file or upload the package to a private Python repository for easy management and version control.

    You can copy over the wheel file to the plugins directory and pip install in your Dockerfile:

    RUN pip install .plugins/plugin_package-*.whl

    You can read more about Python packaging here.

  4. Run astro dev restart to refresh your local Airflow instance. Run astro deploy to build and deploy to your Astro Deployment.

See also

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