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astro deployment connection copy


This command is only available on Astro.


This command copies all connections from one instance to another, but does not copy encrypted data, like passwords, or some extras, such as when they contain private keys.

Copy Airflow connections from one Astro Deployment to another. Airflow connections are stored in the target Deployment's metadata database and appear in the Airflow UI.


astro deployment connection copy

This command only copies Airflow connections that were configured through the Airflow UI or otherwise stored in the Airflow metadata database.


This command is recommended for automated workflows. To run this command in an automated process such as a CI/CD pipeline, you can generate an API token, then specify the ASTRO_API_TOKEN environment variable in the system running the Astro CLI:

export ASTRO_API_TOKEN=<your-token>

See Organization, Workspace, and Deployment API token documentation for more details about ways to use API tokens.


OptionDescriptionPossible Values
-s,--source-idThe ID of the Deployment to copy Airflow connections from.Any valid Deployment ID
-n, --source-nameThe name of the Deployment from which to copy Airflow connections. Use as an alternative to <source-id>.Any valid Deployment name
-t, --target-idThe ID of the Deployment to receive the copied Airflow connections
--target-nameThe name of the Deployment to receive the copied Airflow connections. Use as an alternative to <target-id>.Any valid Deployment name
-w,--workspace-idSpecify to copy Airflow connections to a Deployment that is not in your current Workspace. If not specified, your current Workspace is assumed.Any valid Workspace ID


# copy connections stored in the Deployment with an ID of cl03oiq7d80402nwn7fsl3dmv to a deployment with an ID of cl03oiq7d80402nwn7fsl3dcd
astro deployment connection copy --source-id cl03oiq7d80402nwn7fsl3dmv --target cl03oiq7d80402nwn7fsl3dcd

# copy connections stored in the Deployment "My Deployment" to another Deployment "My Other Deployment"
astro deployment connection copy --source-name="My Deployment" --target-name="My Other Deployment"

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