

Added the ability to work with Astro Alerts and their Notification Channels through the Astro API, with the new alerts and notification-channels endpoints.


New endpoints:

  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts to list Alerts in a Workspace or Deployment.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts to create an Alert for a Deployment or Workspace.
  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/{alertId} to retrieve details about a specific Alert.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/{alertId} to update an existing Alert.
  • DEL /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/{alertId} to delete an Alert.
  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/notification-channels to list Alert Notification Channels.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/notification-channels to create an Alert Notification Channel.
  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/{notificationChannelId} to retrieve details about a specific Alert Notification Channel.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/{notificationChannelId} to update an existing Alert Notification Channel.
  • DEL /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/{notificationChannelId} to delete an Alert Notification Channel.


Added the new schmea, bundle, as a deploy type for the Deploy endpoint, allowing you to use dbt deploys via the Astro API.


New object schema for the Deploy object at /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys:

  • Bundle

Which includes the following new properties:

  • bundleType
  • currentVersion
  • deployId
  • desiredVersion
  • mountPath

New properties are also added to the following endpoints:

  • POST organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys

    • bundleMountPath
    • bundleType
  • GET organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId}

    • bundleMountPath
    • bundleUploadUrl
    • bundles
  • POST organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId}/finalize:

    • bundleTarballVersion


Added the ability to retrieve audit logs using the Astro API call, GET /organizations/{organizationId}/audit-logs. You can also use the parameters startDate and endDate to limit the number of logs you retrieve to a particular timescale.

See Audit logs reference for more information.


  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/audit-logs - to retrieve audit logs via the API. Note that this API call has a non-configurable rate limit of 2 per minute.


Added the ability to work with the Astro Environment Manager through the Astro API, with the new environment-objects endpoint. Environment Objects are the API representation of the different functionalities the Environment Manager supports such as Universal Metrics Export, Airflow Variables, and Connections.

To learn more about the different Astro Environment Manger functionality, which you can now access using the Astro API, see:


  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/environment-objects to list environment objects in a Workspace or Deployment.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/environment-objects to create an environment object for a Deployment or Workspace.
  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/environment-objects/{environmentObjectId} to retrieve details about a specific environment object.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/environment-objects/{environmentObjectId} to update an existing Deployment-level or Workspace-level environment object.
  • DEL /organizations/{organizationId}/environment-objects/{environmentObjectId} to delete an environment object from a Deployment or Workspace.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/environment-objects/{environmentObjectId}/exclude-linking to exclude a specific Deployment from linking to an environment object created at the Workspace level.


This update introduces new possible values for using the Extra Large scheduler size for the endpoint. This scheduler size includes the new separate DAG Processor, which improves scheduler performance and reliability. See Scheduler for more information.


The new EXTRA_LARGE value for schedulerSize attributes for creating, updating, and listing Deployments.

  • The endpoint GET organizations/:organizationId/clusters/:clusterId now includes the status, UPGRADE_PENDING.

  • The endpoint GET organizations/:organizationId/clusters/:clusterId now includes the status, ACCESS_DENIED.


This update introduces new endpoints for managing deploys, including image deploys, DAG deploys, and deploy rollbacks. See Astro documentation for more information.


New endpoints:

  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys to list deploys for a deployment.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys to create a new deploy.
  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId} to retrieve a specific deploy.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId} to update an existing deploy.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId}/finalize to finalize a deploy.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId}/rollback to roll back a deploy.

New object schemas:

  • CreateDeployRequest
  • Deploy
  • DeploysPaginated
  • FinalizeDeployRequest
  • UpdateDeployRequest
  • DeployRollbackRequest
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