The Astro Python SDK Load File Function

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Hosted By

  • Kenten Danas
  • Viraj Parekh

This Live with Astronomer session we dive into the Astro Python SDK load_file function. The Astro Python SDK is an open source Python package that allows for clean and rapid development on ELT workflows. We’ll show how you can use load_file for the ‘Extract’ step of your pipeline to easily get data from your filesystems into your data warehouse, without any operator-specific knowledge.

Live with Astronomer is a biweekly series of short, real-time online sessions for data pipeline authors, hosted by Astronomer’s resident Airflow experts. Topics range from Airflow feature highlights to DAG authoring how-tos to interviews with the developers of Airflow, and every session includes an audience Q&A. It’s all designed to make sure you get the most out of your Airflow experience.

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