Note: To learn more about how to scale Airflow check out our Scaling Airflow to optimize performance guide.
1. Key Points About Scaling Airflow
- Virtually unlimited scaling potential
- Use CeleryExecutor and KubernetesExecutor
- Tune parameters to fit your needs
- Easy to scale to more capacity
- Aggregate logging is important
2. High-Level Steps to Scale Airflow
2. Why Scale Apache Airflow®?
- Because workload outgrows your initial infrastructure
- More DAGs, more Tasks
- More intensive individual tasks
- Because your core Airflow components need more durability
- To Prepare for more DAGRuns and compute load
- To benefit from elasticity — save money by scaling as needed
4. Symptoms That Mean You’re Ready to Scale
- Many tasks stuck in Queued or Scheduled state
- Unacceptable latency between tasks
- Missing SLAs
- High resource usage on Scheduler or Webserver
- Out of Memory (OOM) errors on Tasks
Principles of Scaling Systems
5. Basics of Scaling Systems
- Vertical Scaling
- Increase the size of instance
- (RAM, CPU, etc.)
- Increase the size of instance
Adds more power to an existing worker
Gives individual tasks more horsepower
Gets very expensive, very quickly
If vertical scaling reaches a threshold, think about delegating work to a dedicated distributed processing engine — e.g., Spark, Dask, Ray
Horizontal Scaling
Increase number of instances
- (RAM, CPU, etc.)
- Adds more nodes to the cluster
- Increases maximum number of tasks and DAGRuns that the system can handle
- Fits Airflow’s orchestration model
- Celery and Kubernetes executors well designed for horizontal scaling
Scaling Airflow as a Distributed Platform
6. Scaling with CeleryExecutor
Allows for easy horizontal scaling
Runs workers’ processes that process TaskInstances
To scale, add a new worker process
- Can be on a new node or an existing node
- The connection between workers uses Celery broker and metadatabase
- $AIRFLOW_HOME looks identical to other worker nodes
7. Scaling with KubernetesExecutor TaskInstances run on K8s pods
- TaskInstance pods are ephemeral
- Each task get its own pod
- No workers’ processes
Parameter Tuning when Scaling Airflow
- parallelism
- max_active_runs_per_dag
- max_active_tasks_per_dag
- worker_concurrency
- Pool size
These parameters control the number of tasks that can be run at a time.
8. Sizing Pools
- Pools are another way that we can limit the amounts of tasks that can run
- Can be used to circumvent executor slots being hogged by heavy DAGs with a lot of tasks
- Limits the number of running and queued tasks (active tasks that are under the control of the executor)
- Groups tasks together to limit the active instances by group
High Availability Airflow Components
Other Airflow Components can Scale!
- Airflow allows for multiple schedulers
- Increases the number of tasks that can be scheduled
- Allows the scheduling platform more stability
Web Server
- Multiple web servers increase the load and capacity of the Web UI
Logging on Distributed Airflow
9. Traits of a Great Logging System
- Aggregated
- Historical
- Indexed
- Searchable
10. Importance of Good Logging Practices
- 85% of problems have clues for a solution in the scheduler logs
- Important, if there are multiple schedulers, to be able to collect all of their logs in one place, since those components are working together on the same solution
- Need to keep a history of the logs in a searchable format in order to diagnose problems and work out solutions
- The first step for debugging is to correlate timestamps between problems in task logs with scheduler logs at the same time
11. Debugging Distributed Airflow
- 90% of problems have clues for a solution in the scheduler logs
- 8% of problems are resource consumption issues
- Out of memory
- CPU limited cycles for tasks
- The other 2% is the hard part