Intro to Airflow

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Recorded On

Hosted By

  • Kenten Danas
  • Viraj Parekh

Note: There is a newer version of this webinar available: Airflow 101: How to get started writing data pipelines with Apache Airflow®.

Topics to be discussed:

What is Airflow?

Definition: Apache Airflow® is a way to programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines.

Core Components



Plus Sequential, but no parallelism with this one




Task Instance

Flexibility of Data Pipelines-as-Code



Getting Started with Apache Airflow®

The easiest way to get started with providers and Apache Airflow® 2.0 is by using the Astronomer CLI. To make it easy you can get up and running with Airflow by following our Quickstart Guide.

Join the 1000’s of other data engineers who have received the Astronomer Certification for Apache Airflow® Fundamentals. This exam assesses an understanding of the basics of the Airflow architecture and the ability to create basic data pipelines for scheduling and monitoring tasks.

To access the demo DAGs used in the Intro to Airflow webinar, visit this Github repository

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