Platform API Reference



This update introduces new endpoints for managing deploys, including image deploys, DAG deploys, and deploy rollbacks. See Astro documentation for more information.


New endpoints:

  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys to list deploys for a deployment.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys to create a new deploy.
  • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId} to retrieve a specific deploy.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId} to update an existing deploy.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId}/finalize to finalize a deploy.
  • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/deploys/{deployId}/rollback to roll back a deploy.

New object schemas:

  • CreateDeployRequest
  • Deploy
  • DeploysPaginated
  • FinalizeDeployRequest
  • UpdateDeployRequest
  • DeployRollbackRequest

  • The endpoint POST /organizations/{organizationId}/deployments now accepts an isDevelopmentMode query parameter

  • You can now make requests to the Roles endpoint to manage custom roles in your Organization.
  • The endpoint GET /organizations/{organizationId}/clusters now accepts a names query parameter
  • The endpoint GET /organizations/{organizationId}/deploymentss now accepts a names query parameter
  • The endpoint GET /organizations/{organizationId}/workspaces now accepts a names query parameter