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In November, the Airflow community was busy finalizing the release of Airflow 2.8 (TBA), in addition to enjoying themselves at AWS re:Invent, and, as always, helping each other in our Airflow journey’s on Slack, Stack, and anywhere else builders live! Additionally this month, we:

  • Hosted events in London, Cincinnati, and New York!

As always, please reach out with items for the next issue.

Thanks for reading!

Airflow 2.7.3

Airflow 2.7.3 was released on November 5th and contains several bug fixes and relevant feature updates.


New versions of 25 Airflow Providers packages were released.

For all source releases, PyPI packages and docs, see: 


Initial releases: 

#32646 | Add task context logging feature to allow forwarding messages to task logs

The November PR of the Month is no surprise to anyone with a unanimous vote across the board. Congratulations to Pankaj Koti and team for this amazing feature that “makes DAG owners’ lives much easier '' according to one voter.  
To nominate a PR, add a comment with #protm in the body or wait for the vote on the dev list. 
DAG Management Airflow Integration and Use Cases MLOps






Did you know that Earth’s rotation is changing speed. It's actually slowing. This means that, on average, the length of a day increases by around 1.8 seconds per century. 600 million years ago a day lasted just 21 hours.

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